Source code for modelqueryform.forms

import hashlib
import operator
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import reduce

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, FieldDoesNotExist
from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
from django.forms import Form, MultipleChoiceField

from .utils import traverse_related_to_field, get_range_field, \
    get_range_field_filter, get_multiplechoice_field, \
from .widgets import RangeField

[docs]class ModelQueryForm(Form): """ ModelQueryForm builds a django form that allows complex filtering against a model. :ivar Model model: Model to be filtered :ivar list include: Field names to be included using the standard orm naming """ model = None include = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :raises ImproperlyConfigured: If `model` is missing """ super(ModelQueryForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.model: raise ImproperlyConfigured("ModelQueryForm needs a model defined as a class attribute") self._build_form(self.model)
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ModelQueryForm, self).clean() return cleaned_data
[docs] def _build_form(self, model, field_prepend=None): """ Iterates through model fields to generate modelqueryform fields matching `self.include` Recursively called to correctly build relationship spanning form fields :param model: Current model to inspect. Alwasy starts with `self.model` :type model: django.db.model :param field_prepend: Relation field name if using `self.traverse` :type field_prepend: str """ for field in self.include: try: if "__" in field: model_field = traverse_related_to_field(field, model) else: model_field = model._meta.get_field(field) self.fields[field] = self._build_form_field(model_field, field) except FieldDoesNotExist: pass
[docs] def _build_form_field(self, model_field, name): """ Build a form field for a given model field :param model_field: field that the resulting form field will filter :type model_field: django.db.models.fields :param name: The name for the form field (will match a value in self.include) :type name: String They type of FormField built is determined in the following order: #. `build_FIELD(model_field)` (FIELD is the ModelField name) #. `build_type_FIELD(model_field)` (FIELD is the ModelField type .lower() eg. 'integerfield', charfield', etc.) #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_multiplechoice_field` if model_field has .choices #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_range_field` if the ModelField type is in `self.numeric_fields()` #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_multiplechoice_field` if the ModelField type is in `self.choice_fields()` #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_multiplechoice_field` if the ModelField type is in `self.rel_fields()` .. warning:: You must define either `build_FIELD(model_field)` or `build_type_FIELD(model_field)` for ModelFields that do not use a `RangeField` or `MultipleChoiceField` :returns: FormField :raises NotImplementedError: For fields that do not have a default `ModelQueryForm` field builder and no custom field builder can be found """ if hasattr(self, "build_%s" % name.lower()): return getattr(self, "build_%s" % name.lower())(model_field) if hasattr(self, "build_type_%s" % model_field.get_internal_type().lower()): return getattr(self, "build_type_%s" % model_field.get_internal_type().lower())(model_field) if not model_field.choices == []: return get_multiplechoice_field(model_field, model_field.choices) if model_field.get_internal_type() in self.numeric_fields(): return get_range_field(self.model, model_field, name) if model_field.get_internal_type() in self.choice_fields(): choices = [[True, 'Yes'], [False, 'No']] if model_field.get_internal_type() == "NullBooleanField": choices += [[None, 'Unknown']] return get_multiplechoice_field(model_field, choices) if model_field.get_internal_type() in self.rel_fields(): choices = self.get_related_choices(model_field) return get_multiplechoice_field(model_field, choices) raise NotImplementedError( "Field %s doesn't have default field.choices and " "ModelQueryForm doesn't have a default field builder for type %s." "Please define either a method build_type_%s(self, field) for fields of this type or" "build_%s(self, field) for this field specifically" % (, model_field.get_internal_type().lower(), model_field.get_internal_type().lower(), )
[docs] def numeric_fields(self): """Get a list of model fields backed by numeric values :returns list: Model Field types that are backed by a numeric """ return ['AutoField', 'BigIntegerField', 'FloatField', 'IntegerField', 'PositiveIntegerField', 'PositiveSmallIntegerField', 'SmallIntegerField', ]
[docs] def choice_fields(self): """Get a list of model fields backed by choice values (Boolean types) :returns list: Model Field types that are backed by a boolean """ return ['BooleanField', 'NullBooleanField', ]
[docs] def rel_fields(self): """Get a list of related model fields :returns list: Model Field types that are relationships """ return ['ForeignKey', 'ManyToManyField', 'OneToOneField', ]
[docs] def process(self, data_set=None): """Filter a QuerySet with the POSTed form values :param data_set: QuerySet to filter against :type data_set: QuerySet (Same Model class as self.model) .. note:: If data_set == None, self.model.objects.all() is used :returns QuerySet: data_set.filter(Q object) :raises ImproperlyConfigured: No `data_set` to filter :raises TypeError: `data_set` is not an instance (using `isinstance()`) of `self.model` """ if data_set is None: data_set = self.model.objects.all() else: if data_set.first() is not None and not isinstance(data_set.first(), self.model): raise TypeError("Match the QuerySet to this form instances Model") query = self._get_query() if query is not None: return data_set.filter(query) else: return data_set
def _get_query(self): filters = self.get_filters() if filters.values(): return self._test_filter_func_is_Q( self.build_query_from_filters(filters) ) return None
[docs] def get_filters(self): """ Get a dict of the POSTed form values as Q objects Form fields will be evaluated in the following order to generate a Q object: #. `filter_FIELD(field_name, values)` (FIELD is the ModelField name) #. `filter_type_FIELD(field_name, values)` (FIELD is the ModelField type .lower() eg. 'integerfield', charfield', etc.) #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_range_field_filter` if the FormField is a RangeField #. :func:`modelqueryform.utils.get_multiplechoice_field_filter` if the FormField is a MultipleChoiceField .. warning:: You must define either `filter_FIELD(field, values)` or `filter_type_FIELD(field, values)` for ModelFields that do not use a `RangeField` or `MultipleChoiceField` :returns Dict: {Form field name: Q object,...} :raises NotImplementedError: For fields that do not have a default `ModelQueryForm` filter builder and no custom filter builder can be found """ filters = {} for field_name in self.changed_data: values = self.cleaned_data[field_name] if values: field = traverse_related_to_field(field_name, self.model) if hasattr(self, "filter_%s" % filters[field] = self._test_filter_func_is_Q( getattr(self, "filter_%s" % )(field_name, values) ) elif hasattr(self, "filter_type_%s" % field.get_internal_type().lower()): filters[field] = self._test_filter_func_is_Q( getattr(self, "filter_type_%s" % field.get_internal_type().lower() )(field_name, values) ) elif type(self.fields[field_name]) is RangeField: filters[field] = self._test_filter_func_is_Q( get_range_field_filter(field_name, values) ) elif type(self.fields[field_name]) is MultipleChoiceField: filters[field] = self._test_filter_func_is_Q( get_multiplechoice_field_filter(field_name, values) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "ModelQueryForm doesn't have a default field processor for type %s." "Please define either a method filter_type_%s(self, field, values) for fields of this type or" "filter_%s(self, field, values) for this field specifically" % (field.get_internal_type().lower(), field.get_internal_type().lower(), ) return filters
[docs] def _test_filter_func_is_Q(self, filter_func): """ Make sure that a filter is a Q object :param filter_func: Object to test :type filter_func: Q :raises TypeError: if filter is not a Q object """ if type(filter_func) is Q: return filter_func else: raise TypeError("Filter methods must return a Q object." "If you have a list use reduce with operator.or_ or operator.and_" )
[docs] def build_query_from_filters(self, filters): """Generate a Q object that is a logical AND of a list of Q objects .. note:: Override this method to build a more complex Q object than AND(filters.values()) :param filters: Dict of {Form field name: Q object,...} :type filters: dict :returns Q: AND(filters.values()) :raises TypeError: if any value in the filters dict is not a Q object """ try: values = filters.values() except AttributeError: raise TypeError("The parameter filters must be a dict") if not all(isinstance(value, Q) for value in values): raise TypeError("values in filter dict must be Q objects") return reduce(operator.and_, values)
[docs] def get_range_field_print(self, form_field, cleaned_field_data): """ Default string representation of multichoice field :param form_field: FormField (Unused) :type form_field: str .. note:: FormField is needed to lookup choices :param cleaned_field_data: the cleaned_data for the field :type cleaned_field_data: dict :returns str: "MIN - MAX [(include empty values)]" """ pretty_print = "%s - %s" % (cleaned_field_data["min"], cleaned_field_data["max"]) if cleaned_field_data["allow_empty"] is True: pretty_print = "%s (include empty values)" % pretty_print return pretty_print
[docs] def get_multichoice_field_print(self, form_field, cleaned_field_data): """ Default string representation of multichoice field :param form_field: FormField :type form_field: str .. note:: FormField is needed to lookup choices :param cleaned_field_data: the cleaned_data for the field :type cleaned_field_data: dict :returns str: Comma delimited get_display_FIELD() for selected choices """ choices = dict((str(k), v) for k, v in dict(form_field.choices).items()) return ",".join([choices[key] for key in cleaned_field_data])
[docs] def pretty_print_query(self, fields_to_print = None): """ Get an OrderedDict to facilitate printing of generated filter :param fields_to_print: List of names in changed_data :type fields_to_print: list .. note:: If fields_to_print == None, self.changed_data is used :returns dict: {form field name: string representation of filter,...} :raises NotImplementedError: For fields that do not have a default print builder and no custom print builder can be found :raises ValueError: if any name in the field_to_print is not in self.changed_data """ vals = OrderedDict() if fields_to_print is None: fields_to_print = self.changed_data else: if not set(fields_to_print).issubset(set(self.changed_data)): raise ValueError('field names in fields_to_print must be in self.changed_data') for field_name in sorted(fields_to_print): values = self.cleaned_data[field_name] if values: field = traverse_related_to_field(field_name, self.model) if hasattr(self, "print_%s" % vals[self.fields[field_name].label] = \ getattr(self, "print_%s" % )(field, values) elif hasattr(self, "print_type_%s" % field.get_internal_type().lower()): vals[self.fields[field_name].label] = \ getattr(self, "print_type_%s" % field.get_internal_type().lower() )(field_name, values) elif type(self.fields[field_name]) is RangeField: vals[self.fields[field_name].label] = \ self.get_range_field_print(self.fields[field_name], values) elif type(self.fields[field_name]) is MultipleChoiceField: vals[self.fields[field_name].label] = \ self.get_multichoice_field_print(self.fields[field_name], values) else: raise NotImplementedError( "ModelQueryForm doesn't have a default field printer for type %s." "Please define either a method print_type_%s(self, field, values) for fields of this type or" "print_%s(self, field, values) for this field specifically" % (field.get_internal_type().lower(), field.get_internal_type().lower(), ) return vals
[docs] def query_hash(self): """ Get an md5 hexdigest of the pretty_print_query(). .. note:: Useful for caching results of a given query :returns str: 32 char md5.hexdigest() """ return hashlib.md5(str(self.pretty_print_query()).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()